want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

9 Posts
Aug 27, 2009 03:25 pm
want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

Want to buy above tank to replace my existing leaking tank. I am in Boston area. My zip code is 02420. Anybody can tell me the shipping cost? thanks,
462 Posts
Sep 2, 2009 11:22 am
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

James, I've answered some of your post in the past. If the tank is leaking and needs to be replaced, you might consider purchasing a heat exchanger tank, such as a Superstor, instead and get rid of the externatl Novan heat exchanger which has given you problems in the past. Having the heat exchanger inside the tank increases the efficiency by having the exchanger directly in contact with the water in the tank as well as having a greater surface area. It would also reduce the amount of electricity needed since you could eliminate one of the circulation pumps. 
9 Posts
Sep 2, 2009 04:50 pm
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

Thank you Tom. That is a really good idea. But I need to compare the cost for now. Do you have any recommendation for water heater with heat exchanger and the estimate cost? You can send an email to me if you want, lmei007 @ yahoo.com

The Super Stor doesn't have electric element for back up. It will be nice to have an element. I am using oil to heat the house and thinking about convert to gas. Before that I have to make sure we have hot water during rain days.

462 Posts
Sep 2, 2009 08:18 pm
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

James, your email address didn't work. Anyway, when installing a SHW system that needs electrical backup, I usually recommend installing two tanks, one with an internal heat exchanger and one conventional electric hot water tank. It may sound like it would be more expensive, but when you take into consideration purchasing a SHW tank with electric back up, it comes out to be around the same price. The thing I don't like about having the electric backup in the same tank as the solar is that the two compete with each other. At night when solar is not available,the electric kicks in and heats the water, then in the morning when the sun is available, the water in the tank is already hot and the solar does not turn on. I've seen too many systems that operate like this, and what happens is that the panels overheat and build up pressure which can make the system sieze up. Basically the pump cannot overcome the pressure.
  If you choose to keep the tank with electric backup, I would recommend a Vaughn tank. But these tanks are just as expensive, if not more than a Superstor. Also, they are stone lined and can weigh up to 500 lbs which makes installation a bit more difficult. Vaughn tanks come with 7 year warranty and Superstor's have a lifetime warranty since they are made with stainless steel.
  You can purchase a Superstor, 45 gallon tank, for around $800, 80 gallon for around 1300. An 80 gallon Vaugn tank will cost around 1400. A conventional 40 or 30 gallon electric tank will cost $3-400.
  Then you install the two tanks in series, along with a bypass, so that the solar tank preheats the water entering the electric tank. Then if the water is hot enough, it keeps the electric from turning on. The bypass will allow you to use either the solar or electric tank individually if you choose.
If you have any further questions, just send them along..
9 Posts
Sep 13, 2009 08:30 am
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

thank you, Tom. I think you are right. electric back up may not be a good idea. but water heater with exchanger is very expensive. I got a quotation for superstor 80 gals. It will cost $2300. I am thinking convert to gas soon and just buy a water heater without electric back up and install a gas tankless for back up. do you think it sounds a good idea?

Tom, my email is good. the first letter is l for little and ended with double zero seven.

49 Posts
Sep 13, 2009 09:44 am
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

  James, I have a propane tankless water heater.Love it and propane burns hotter than gas. I bought a commercial one for a small business not the home suggested one to make sure I could heat the water fast enough because they always underestimate. I use it in an off-grid and it only heats when
used. Remember any heating with electricity costs the most.
  Jim A.
9 Posts
Sep 13, 2009 09:53 pm
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

Hi Jim,
Thank you for your information. Just wondering how you store your propane? big tank or small tank? how often to fill the tank if it is a small tank?
James M
99 Posts
Sep 14, 2009 11:50 am
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

I built my own 900 gallon tank for under $500 for solar storage using 2x4 framing, fiberglass insulation, styrofoam boards, EPDM liner, cement board, and ceramic tile.  I have that in series with an on-demand propane heater to ensure a steady output temperature.
49 Posts
Sep 14, 2009 09:26 pm
Re: want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

I have a 200 gallon propane tank that the company fills as needed.It is for heating and the hot water as again using electric to heat is expensive.  Good luck, Jim

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