RMA/customer support???

12 Posts
May 29, 2012 02:41 pm
RMA/customer support???

What's up in the customer support department? I can't get an answer, or a return call.

Also, in the time it's taking to get a return authorization, the website has dumped my shopping cart, so I have to hunt down the parts for my next order, again. I thought, if I was signed in, my shopping cart would be saved for me Huh

I've been an Alt-E Store customer for over 10 years. This is not what I've come to expect from Alt-E. If I don't get a call back from customer service, the shopping cart issue is probably moot.
65 Posts
May 29, 2012 02:50 pm
Re: RMA/customer support???

Hi Douglas,
I'm very sorry about the 1-2 punch of problems on our side. Our website was hit today by some kind of spambot that's overloading our server and causing several problems. We took measures just shortly ago to address this problem. Unfortunately, as part of it we likely zero'd out several carts online.

We also happen to be low on coverage in our customer service department due to the holiday. I'll be sure to have someone on our team reach out to you directly asap. I apologize that you were unable to get someone during your call.

kind regards,
Sascha  Deri


"Making Renewable Do-able" (tm)
12 Posts
May 29, 2012 04:30 pm
Re: RMA/customer support???

Thank you, Sascha. I think we're getting it all sorted.

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