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Subject Started by Replies

Diversion load water heater

I have a low voltage water heater element ALR-12/24-WHE to replace the existing heat element for my diversion load. My system is...
Larry Lupole 7


WHAT IS THE LIFE TIME OF MK 8L16 370 Ah (20 Hr) 6 V Flooded Battery?
Ashven Asven 7

Evergreen Panels listed as 18V not 24V Why?

These panels are really 24 Volts.  Why are they listed in the store as 18v? thanks
James Rosenberger 8

want to buy SE62-80H-045S tank

Want to buy above tank to replace my existing leaking tank. I am in Boston area. My zip code is 02420. Anybody can tell me the s...
James Mei 8

Solar panels and New Roof

We are coming up on needing a new roof for our house in Maryland.  What makes the most sense - installing the new roof and ...
Daniel Hayden 9

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