Technical Discussion: Solar Electric System - Photovoltaic

Share your questions and experience with others on off-grid and grid-tie solar electric systems. Our own NABCEP PV Certified installers also frequent this forum to lend a hand.


Subject Started by Replies

Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

I'm installing an 8000 w array on my barn Pretty ideal case facing south with no shading. I'm debating Sunny Boy vs So...
Donald Edmonston 2

How many pcs of the 120W solar panel do I need?

Hi, I have a project that is: System current: 14A Operating voltage: 240V Operating hr: 6hr Panel opera...
Eric Lee 12

Which configuration should I choose

Hi all, Here is my project: My customer currently use 400W halogen lamps at 240V A.C, we have persuaded them to change t...
Eric Lee 1

About the Inverter

Hi all, 1) What is the difference between a grid-tie inverter and an off-grid inverter?  What components they both...
Eric Lee 2

Calculation Confirmation of the Solar Panel Power in the DC Lighting System

Dears, Here is: Off Grid Sunshine Duration: 4hr per day System: 24V DC, 48W Operating hr = 10 hr &#...
Eric Lee 5

Need Solar Charge Controller Recommendation- 12v system, 2x240 watt (Vmpp 30.4v)

I've got two REC 240PE(BLK)  240 watt solar panels, and I'm wanting to find the least expensive (but not junk) charge...
Eric Randall 1

2 solar arrays and one controller

Hi I have identical polycrystalline solar panels mounted on opposite pitches of my roof. I am running them into my sola...
Fab Sianna 2

pv system for 500 square foot cabin.

Hello, I have a small remote (off grid for now, the telephone company just installed poles and strung wires) hunting ca...
Frank Erdmann 3

PWM or MPPT for a Uni-Solar thin film with Vmp=16.2V ?

Hi, I want to build a 12V system with thin film flexible panels, which have Vmp=16.2V. It will be installed in an area havin...
Gabriel Cravchik 1

Grid Tie Inverter 120v into 240v grid?

I'm confused how 120 volt grid tie inverters work with the household 240 volt grid. I know how the grid works with (2) 120 ...
Gordon DeBower 0


Greg Moore 1

solar panel mounting

  I want to mount 3 sharp 240w solar panels on my south wall of an off grid log cabin.I have 3 on garage roof facing south ...
James Anspaugh 7

Off grid different than on grid for location

  I would like to know what people think on where to mount the panels. example- on a grid system you would always point the...
James Anspaugh 4

'hard shading' causing panel failure?

I have had a 3kw grid tied system on my house for 8 years. Two parallel strings of 9 panels on either side of a dormer to a Sunn...
James J 7

parallel different types of panles is o.k.?

when hooking up multiple types of panels. IE: different Voc / Nominal. It's o.k. to mix them when they are all in Parallel?...
James Johnson 4

Equipment Groundiong Conductor Size?

I have a small stand alone 12v nominal system with a battery bank. What size wire do I need for the equipment grounding conducto...
James Johnson 2

parallel shunt charge controllers

what type of combiner box or ? do I need in order to run (2) ASC shunt controllers to the same battery bank?  Help please&#...
James Johnson 0

Extremely Long Run Solar Calculation

Hello Everyone! I have a small off-grid, low-amp (3-10) environment cabin, running 12v lights and charging cell phones ...
Jeff King 3

Charge Controller for Kaneka 60W 48v Thinfilm Solar Panel

I have a off grid cabin with 4 golf cart batteries powering a 12VDC to 120VAC Xantrex 2kW inverter.  The main load is CF li...
Jerry Wenzel 5

Raising PV panels above trees

My location in the woods creates problems for getting sunlight to PV panels.  I'm looking for advice on how best to ge...
Jerry Wenzel 2

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