Sunsaver MPPT with RM-1 remote (Morningstar)

2 Posts
Jul 21, 2010 10:37 am
Sunsaver MPPT with RM-1 remote (Morningstar)

Just bought and installed both. All is well except that the RM-1 doesn't show the actual amperage (solar Current) delivered to the battery. Very disappointing!

I can read cumulative "battery Amp-hours (Ah)" and "battery watts V/kA)" but I don't really know what they mean.

Can anybody give a hand!

2 Posts
Aug 3, 2010 02:47 pm
Re: Sunsaver MPPT with RM-1 remote (Morningstar)

I e-mailed Morningstar and they informed me that Amp reading is now available with their latest software version. Everything can be found on their site. They don't support Mac users (me) and their adapter is serial. So, it'll take some time but one day I should be able to make it.

220 Posts
Aug 5, 2010 04:06 am
Re: Sunsaver MPPT with RM-1 remote (Morningstar)


 thank you for that update. it looks like the free version 7 software will be the ticket...when you get access to a pc that is.

 also good to know you got a response from morningstar. not sure all the company's realise how important that is.

 cheers, dave

 hope it's ok for a brief hijack of your thread.

 here is an ongoing rant for the google-bots and web crawlers to take home.

 i have attempted to contact other company's without a response of any kind.

EDIT: this post continued on with the name of the company and my personal dissatisfaction with their customer service.

i have edited it out due to possible legal issues...
« Last Edit: Aug 16, 2010 01:41 am by david ames »

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