Save Energy While Using Holiday Lights

13 Posts
Dec 3, 2010 02:35 am
Save Energy While Using Holiday Lights

We pay more money on electricity bills,heating,cooling bills. Now a days various energy efficient appliances are available which use solar power as a source.
One of the major consumers of electricity during the holiday season is holiday lights that are used to decorate the house and the Christmas tree.
So,how we reduce our holiday light expenditure?
A solution to this is to opt for newer miniature lights. These bulbs use 70 percent less
energy-consuming as compared to traditional strings of bulbs. For more luminance, look at 5-Watt bulbs as they are more economical than the 7-Watt varieties even though initially a little more expensive.

There are many solutions available on energy efficient holiday lighting.
« Last Edit: Jan 23, 2011 12:13 pm by Sascha Deri »

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