mullbank composting toilet

1 Posts
Jul 17, 2003 09:43 pm
mullbank composting toilet

I have a Mullbank composting toilet I bought, brand new, but no instructions.  It is electric, has a paddle type cylinder inside.  Can't find any model number, and can't find directions.  Can anyone help me?
39 Posts
Jul 22, 2003 08:26 am
Re: mullbank composting toilet

GG, the toilets are very simple to operate. turn on the power, or some are automatic, to dry out the contents ( some have sensors that sense moisture levels) and occasionally stir the peat, if that is the kind you have. You will have to figure out when to change the peat depending on usage.
1 Posts
May 3, 2004 10:48 pm
Mullbank composting toilet

We picked up a used Mullbank composting toilet.  Interested in hearing about your experiences with these - work well? any odour problem?  Where and how difficult is it to get replacement parts? How long do the heating coils last?

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