Powering devices on a sailboat

1 Posts
Jan 8, 2012 09:18 pm
Powering devices on a sailboat

Hello all,

I'm starting to do some research about adding solar and/or wind power generators to my sailboat.  Trying to determine how much power I can generate and what devices I can power.   I've estimates about 2000 Watt Hours per day (but prepared to do some prioritizing and editing).

Still researching how many and what type of batteries I need.  Any suggestions where to start?  Also trying to get an estimate for how many solar panels are needed and their dimensions.

The sailboat also has a Volvo Penta 13 hp motor.  Could this be used to augment the solar?

65 Posts
Jan 31, 2012 12:47 pm
Re: Powering devices on a sailboat

Hey Bran,
To quickly get a sense of what sized components you'll need I'd recommend using our off-grid sizing calculator (for solar):


The challenge will be to estimate the sun-hours since you'll presumably be in a moving craft. So you'll have to decide upon a location (and it's associated sun-hours).

For wind turbines, I'd recommend the Air Breeze Marine:


The power/energy output you can expect will obviously vary with the average wind speeds you can expect. If you can estimate those wind speeds then you can determine the kwh's output on a monthly level - and then deduct that from what you would need from your solar panel design. That is, using that same off grid calculator reduce the the watt-hours requirement by whatever you think you could producing by using that wind turbine.

Hope that helps!

And, of course, if you need more help please feel free to also call our knowledgeable sales staff toll free.

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