solar energy tax credit question

9 Posts
Nov 2, 2009 12:59 pm
solar energy tax credit question

To get tax credit from federal or local government, the equipments must come from one of the qualified manufacturer? if yes, how do I know if the manufacturer is on the list?

Can I build myself bying buy parts from multiple places to get the tax credit?

Can I buy imported equipment to get the tax credit?

28 Posts
Nov 2, 2009 01:13 pm
Re: solar energy tax credit question

If you are building a grid tied solar electric system and want the federal tax credit, you need to have UL approved solar panels and a Grid Tied inverter that is UL 1471 approved. For state and local rebates you need to chekc with the inidvidual rules. Many utilities and states have specific approved grid tied inverters and many require you to have a design approved in advance or they will not pay a rebate.

Do note that there have been rumors of offshore solar electric equipment being listed UL rated equipment even though it hasnt been tested. UL does maintain a listing of products they have approved but I dont have a link handy.

It sounds like you already have a solar hot water system from your prior post, but if you want solar hot water rebates, the panels must be SRCC rated and has to be sized for a minimum of a certain percentage of your heating load. 

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