require info about solar panels...

1 Posts
Jan 30, 2009 11:42 am
require info about solar panels...

what size solar panel would be required to run a 12V, 1.5 gallon per hour running electric water pump...? how much would the panel cost?
Feb 3, 2009 01:32 pm
Re: require info about solar panels...


What have complete solar-powered water pumps, might that be a solution for you?

Best regards,

Feb 7, 2009 05:39 pm
Re: require info about solar panels...

Well Vinayak Iyer, thats an unusual name. I mean, I don't get to see one like that often. Danish? My Grandmother is Danish. Thats my Fathers mother. Her maiden name is Johansen. Since I am on the subject of names, there are some names that have become "household" words over the years. Would you take a look at these sites please Vinayak?

We mortal humans need to know at least two things about electricity in order to size the electrical or vice-versa.
Impedance = Voltage / Resistance
Or a more understandable way of saying the same thing.
Amperage equals the Voltage divided by the Wattage.
Or likewise.
Voltage times Amperage equals wattage.
Wattage divided by Amperage equals Voltage.
I am sure you have the idea now.
You gave us volts but now I need either amps or watts in order to complete the equation and in this case, also run time. With time we can know the watthours or the amphours as well. How many hours do you want to run the motor?

Typically, manufactures of electrical doodads will place a label on their gizmos that states at least two of these, not including time. But time can be required for a specific or non-specific rating such as; @ the 20 hour rate or, continuous and, momentary. There is one that applies to PV and thats, the number of hours of equivalent full rated output per day. I do wish someone would come up with an acronym for that. Or something.
What that means is, PV modules do not make their full rated power all day long. No, they start out in the morning very much below rated output and as our Sun comes more perpendicular to it, the power goes up and up until noon time and then power output starts to decline into the early evening. What we do then is add up the total for a day and divide that by the PV modules full rated power output in watts. Here is a site that can explain that better.

I hope something here helps you and that you write back with more.

2 Posts
Feb 8, 2009 02:22 am
Re: require info about solar panels...

Have to know how many amps (or watts) the pump draws.  I assume it's a DC pump right?

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