Is it posible to change the wiring of a module from 24 Volts to 12. By Nathan

2 Posts
Jul 6, 2008 10:22 pm
Is it posible to change the wiring of a module from 24 Volts to 12. By Nathan

I Bought a Shell Solar Module 150 Watt 43.4 Volts Open Circuit Voltage 34.0 V Rated V. on the instruction booklet it explains how to change the wiring from a 12 V Module to 6 Volts, It has 4 screws 1,2,3,4 number's 1 and 4 on meter reads 34. V.  With jumper on 2 and 3; numbers 1 and 4 reads 24 V. with jumper on 1 and 3, 2 and 4 reads 9.05 V and Jumpers on 1,2. 3, 4. The meter reads 11.73 Volts; but it is very cloudy right now. Thanks very much... 10 of these were purchased a few years ago from Alternative Energy Store. I would like to use these at 12 Volts instead of 24 V.
578 Posts
Jul 7, 2008 11:25 am
Re: Is it posible to change the wiring of a module from 24 Volts to 12. By Natha

if the manual does not detail how to configure for 12v nominal operation, just get an mppt controller like mx 60, mppt 60, flexmax 80, apollo t-80.

five in parallel at 24v can be downconverted to 12v battery bank on one of those controllers.

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2 Posts
Jul 8, 2008 01:21 am
Re: Is it posible to change the wiring of a module from 24 Volts to 12. By Nathan

Thanks James this is Nathan again I appreciate your input but I figured it out. The instructions explain how to change from 12 V to 6, It even shows a pin in the center where the middle diode goes in this case it is the same and comes with the pin and it reads on open circuit Voltage 24.8 Volts, but when working even on the slightest load it reads 13.8 Volts or even 14 Volts.   
Thanks much any way...

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