Blue Sky Battery Temperature Sensor (20')

Blue Sky Battery Temperature Sensor (20')
Blue Sky Battery Temperature Sensor (20')

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Item code Brand name Model number
BLSSB-BTS Blue Sky Energy 930-0022-20

Blue Sky EnergyBlue Sky Energy
Battery Temperature Sensor

Battery Temperature Sensor Improves
Charge Control and Battery Performance.

Applying the proper charge voltage is critical for achieving optimum battery performance and longevity. The ideal charge voltage required by batteries changes with battery temperature. The battery temperature sensor allows the charge controller to continuously adjust charge voltage based on actual battery temperature. Temperature compensation of charge voltage assures that the battery receives the proper charge voltage as battery temperature changes during normal operation.


The graph above shows how the Solar Boost 3024i would use the temperature sensor to adjust charge voltage to the required value
based on battery temperature. With out temperature compensation charge voltage would be too low at low battery temperatures leading to chronic under charging and battery damage due to sulfation. At high battery temperatures charge voltage would be too high leading to excessive water loss and undue degradation of the positive plate. Both of these conditions can impair battery performance and shorten battery life.


Accuracy ±1.0ºC @ 25ºC • ±2.5ºC over full range
Temp. Range -40 – +100ºC
Cable 18awg 105ºC PVC
Cable Length 20 feet (6.1m)
Sensor To Housing
Breakdown Voltage
150VDC Minimum
Lug Mounting Hole 0.400” (1.02cm) Nominal Diameter

Blue Sky Energy

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